Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Beaver's Da Bomb

Its a cold and rainy night in the sleepy town of Beaverlodge, Alberta. What a better time for us to give the Beaver a warm scarf. My "Partner in Crime" lets call her Thumper and I made numerous attempts before we were able to get it over the nose of the Beaver as the yarn was so wet and stretching badly. I would have liked to loop it over more than once but unfortunately that was a no go. But here are the pictures from the fruits of our labors. I have been waiting for this moment for soooo long and now its a done deal :)


  1. Well i thought i had already posted how wicked awesome this is. How long is the scarf? And how did you manage to get it over the massive beavers head? Fantastic i love it!!

  2. I agree, this is fantastic! What a great yarnbomb, and I imagine you all worked on that for a while. I absoluetly love it, and wish I could've seen it. That is one big beaver, dude.

  3. The Beaver is 15 feet tall and the scarf was about 30 feet long but after all the rain and trying to get it over his head it was more like 50 feet long. A friend and I just used the scarf like a skipping rope and thats how we got it over
